20 November 2022

Zer ile İşinizin Yarınları serimizin ikinci odağı ambalaj

zer ile isinizin yarinlari ambalaj yayini.webp

The packaging industry was the primary focus of the second installment of our live broadcast series, which we bring to you each month in cooperation with Nasıl Bir Ekonomi (NBE) newspaper. With the participation of a panel of experts, each installment is devoted to a different sector of the supply-chain and procurement ecosystem.

The live broadcast was moderated by Hakan Güldağ, chairman of NBE’s Board of Directors.

Speakers at the event included Eşter Boran, Zer senior material purchasing manager; Aydın Okay, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Label Manufacturers Association and a Packaging Manufacturers Association board member; İsa Doğanlı, general manager of Çukurova Paper and Packaging Group; and NBE Editor-in-Chief Vahap Munyar.

The live discussion tackled recent changes in the packaging industry, along with anticipated risks and opportunities. Particular attention was paid to changing requirements in the post-pandemic period, while price management was also singled out as an important element in today’s high-inflation environment.

