This year we ranked 115th in the Capital 500 survey published annually by the monthly Capital magazine. We have been on the rise for the last 4 years in the list, which is ranked according to the net sales revenues of the companies in 2022.
Companies from 37 industries took part in the survey where energy-oil, food and beverage, and automotive industries came to the fore this year as the top 3 industries by the number of companies. With the increasing number of energy-oil companies, this industry's share of turnover amounted to 25 percent. The automotive industry ranked second with a share of 9 percent, while the iron and steel industries ranked third with a share of 6.9 percent.
Istanbul, which saw a decrease in the number of companies last year, recovered this year. While Istanbul was included in the 2022 list with 236 companies, this year it hosted 248 companies to be entitled as the city with the highest number of companies. Istanbul, which had a share of 55.44 percent of the total turnover last year, realized 59.6 percent of the total turnover this year and managed to approach the 60.5 percent level in 2020 with this year's performance.