JANUARY 15, 2021
Met with robots before they stepped into the business world

80 students from the 9th grade attended the robotic process automation and artificial intelligence trainings, that we organized for the first time at Kadıköy Anatolian High School as Zer, in cooperation with KoçDigital, which provides solutions in the areas of advanced analytics and internet of things.

The trainings that we aim to increase the digital literacy of young people are held online for 12 weeks. Students participating in the trainings, the content of which is created by Zer and KoçDigital employees, also receive a participation certificate when they complete the process.

“The solution to catch up with technology is in competent human resources”

Stating that the trainings will increase the digital literacy of young people and at the same time guide them in choosing their future professions, Our General Manager Mehmet Apak emphasized that they aim to expand trainings in 2021.

In his statement, Apak said: “In today's world, we encounter the concepts that are always used in training as users. How much do we know and understand? The new generation's acquaintance, understanding and experience with technological concepts and processes at the earliest period will be effective both in their future career choices and in their ability to understand and develop the technology world they were born into. Today, all companies are talking about digital transformation, ten years later we will talk not about digital transformation, but about how we can catch up with technology and even be faster, and we will look for competent human resources to develop new technologies and tools to catch this pace. Our resource will be our youth who receive these trainings.”

“Success achieved in digital transformation affects the rules of competitiveness”

KoçDigital Company Manager Önder Kaplancık stated that they were very happy to reach students, the future of our country, with their collaboration with Zer as well, and said, “Today, the success of institutions in digital transformation largely determines the rules of competitiveness. The first condition of a successful digital transformation is the development of qualified human resources. This leap in digital transformation is closely related to the future of all our young friends who continue their education in changing professions and new business areas that come into our lives. We live in a period in which innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and big data come to the fore. Our wish is to raise awareness of young generations about these innovative technologies; to contribute to the training of future data analysts, data scientists, artificial intelligence and machine learning experts, robotics engineers.”

They wrote codes and created a robotic process

At trainings held at KoçDigital, where Dr. Özgür Akarsu, Dr. Salih Duran, Dr. Şebnem Güneş Söyler, and Zer Robotics Process Automation Unit Manager Yamaç Yılmaz, who is responsible for artificial intelligence and data science studies have been the narrators, students had the opportunity to listen to the concepts we frequently encounter today such as big data, machine learning, deep learning, algorithms, robotic processes with examples and even write code while meeting the basic dynamics of the digital world. They practically designed the process and commissioned the robots in the processes they wrote themselves.

High skills gap in the next five years

The 'Future of Jobs' report published by the World Economic Forum in 2020, which provides insight into the future jobs and provides in-depth information from 15 different industrial sectors in 26 countries, reveals the future change that the workforce will experience in the fields of artificial intelligence, data science and robotics. According to the report, against the 85 million jobs lost by increasing automation by 2025, 97 million new professions of the future will emerge, and these jobs will mainly be in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence, robotics and cyber security. In the next five years, skills gap will continue to be high on the labor side as skills demanded by employers change.

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